
URL categorization not being applied correctly Friday 2nd February 2024 09:56:21

17:55 UTC

An issue has been found and is currently under investigation. URL categorization not being applied correctly Next update in 20 mins

19:31 UTC

A solution has been fully rolled out and on-call teams have verified that the impact is resolved.

No further updates are expected.

19:26 UTC

Solution has been rolled out and on-call teams are monitoring the situation.

Next update in 20 mins

19:08 UTC

On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

Next update in 20 mins

18:49 UTC

On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

Next update in 20 mins

18:33 UTC

On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

Next update in 20 mins

18:17 UTC

On-call teams are continuing to work on a solution.

Next update in 20 mins

18:04 UTC

Customer overrides for Document, Email, and Web Isolation are impacted.

On-call teams have identified the issue and are working on a solution.

Next update in 20 mins