All systems are operational

Past Incidents

Wednesday 18th October 2023

No incidents reported

Tuesday 17th October 2023

Web Isolation Allow traffic may not be correctly egressing out of Menlo Security.

04:56 UTC

An issue has been found and is currently under investigation.

Allow traffic may not be correctly egressing out of Menlo Security.

Next update in 20 mins

  • 05:30 UTC

    A solution has been fully rolled out and on-call teams have verified that the impact is mitigated.

    Analysis by engineering confirmed that allow traffic routing was not impacted. Impact limited to internal logging.

    No further updates are expected.

  • 05:18 UTC

    On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • Monday 16th October 2023

    Web Isolation Intermittent Authentication Issues in Virginia Region

    UTC 16:30:00

    Engineering has rolled out a fix and has confirmed that the issue is mitigated. Will continue watching to ensure ongoing stability.

    UTC 16:15:00

    Engineering has identified the root cause and are working on a fix.

    UTC 16:00:00

    Menlo engineering is investigating an increase in authentication issues for web isolation in our Virginia region.

    Sunday 15th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 14th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Friday 13th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 12th October 2023

    No incidents reported