All systems are operational

Past Incidents

Tuesday 6th February 2024

No incidents reported

Monday 5th February 2024

No incidents reported

Sunday 4th February 2024

No incidents reported

Saturday 3rd February 2024

No incidents reported

Friday 2nd February 2024

URL categorization not being applied correctly

17:55 UTC

An issue has been found and is currently under investigation. URL categorization not being applied correctly Next update in 20 mins

  • 19:31 UTC

    A solution has been fully rolled out and on-call teams have verified that the impact is resolved.

    No further updates are expected.

  • 19:26 UTC

    Solution has been rolled out and on-call teams are monitoring the situation.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 19:08 UTC

    On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 18:49 UTC

    On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 18:33 UTC

    On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 18:17 UTC

    On-call teams are continuing to work on a solution.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 18:04 UTC

    Customer overrides for Document, Email, and Web Isolation are impacted.

    On-call teams have identified the issue and are working on a solution.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • Thursday 1st February 2024

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 31st January 2024

    Web Isolation Client reporting issues with IPv6

    An issue has been found and is currently under investigation.

    Client reporting issues with IPv6

  • 21:36 UTC

    A solution has been fully rolled out and on-call teams have verified that the impact is resolved.

    No further updates are expected.

  • 21:31 UTC

    On-call teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 21:12 UTC

    Solution has been rolled out to all impacted regions. On-call teams are monitoring the situation.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 20:54 UTC

    On-call teams have identified a possible solution and are testing.

    Next update in 20 mins

  • 20:31 UTC

    On-call teams have identified a possible solution and are testing.

    Next update in 20 mins.