
TLS handshake failures in certain specific websites Wednesday 28th February 2024 18:07:00

An issue has been found and is currently under investigation.

Our customers might experience TLS handshake failures in certain specific scenarios related to client certificate requests. Our Engineering Teams are investigating the issue and working on a solution.

Next update in 30 minutes.

2024-02-29 06:00 UTC

A solution has been fully rolled out and on-call teams have verified that the impact is resolved.

No further updates are expected.

2024-02-29 05:00 UTC

Engineering teams continue to roll out the solution to all impacted regions.

Next update when we complete the roll out.

2024-02-29 04:30 UTC

Engineering teams continue to roll out the solution to all impacted regions.

Next update in 30 minutes

2024-02-29 04:00 UTC

Engineering teams continue to roll out the solution to all impacted regions.

Next update in 30 minutes.

2024-02-29 03:30 UTC

Engineering teams have verified a solution and are in the process of rolling it out to all impacted regions.

Next update in 30 minutes.

2024-02-29 03:00 UTC

Engineering teams are validating the proposed fix.

Next update in 30 minutes.

2024-02-29 02:30 UTC

Engineering teams continue to work on the solution

Next update in 30 minutes.