
web isolation degraded in us-east-2 and us-west-2 Tuesday 20th August 2024 09:36:00

2024-08-20 16:35 UTC

We are seeing web isolation issues in the us-east-2 region and are investigating

Next update in 20 minutes

The service degradation has been resolved in us-east-2 and us-west-2 regions.

No further updates will be forthcoming.

the us-east-2 and us-west-2 regions have had a fix applied to mitigate the issue. We will continue to monitor to validate

Further updates in 20 minutes

We have applied a fix for us-east-2 region and the web isolation service is recovering

We are also applying this fix to us-west-2 as a proactive measure.

Further updates in 20 minutes.

We continue to work on mitigation in us-east-2.

Further updates in 20 minutes.

We are stll working on mitigating the issue in us-east-2

Further updates in 20 minutes.

We are working to mitigate the impact in us-east-2 region at present. We still see no impact in us-west-2 or any other regions

Further updates in 20 minutes

We continue to mitigate issues in the us-east-2 region. At present us-west-2 does not appear to be impacted but we continue to watch for service impact.

Further updates in 20 minutes

We continue to investigate the performance issues in the us-east-2 and us-west-2 regions.

Further updates in 20 minutes.

We are seeing errors in us-west-2 region also. We continue to mitigate the issue.

We are continuing to investigate the issue and work on mitigation.

Further updates in 20 minutes.

We have identified the issue and are working to mitigate the issue